Friday, December 9, 2016

Our Week in Review: Week 15 of 36 Dole Pride

This week we hosted our Community Visit. During the year, each school in our county open their doors to the community to see all the great things happening at their school.

Our Community visit was hosted on Wednesday December 7th. Our 5th graders presented on Seal PBL. Each student created a Seal for our school and presented it to our community.

Principal Michael Courtwright welcomed visitors and provided an overview while everyone enjoyed a light breakfast provided by the school’s PTA. Then it was all about students talking about their work! The morning’s visit was highlighted by a problem-based learning project by the 5th-grade students. These students have been working on the “Seal Project” - designing a new seal for HDE. Visitors had the wonderful opportunity to: • Visit the classrooms • View the student designs • Listen to students explain their design and project • Complete questions on iPads – rating their design...

Friday, December 2, 2016

Our Week in Review: Week 14 of 36 Blended Learning Builds Community

One thing that we are so excited about at Dole is students being happy to come to school to learn. With blended learning, our students learn the importance of working together. Students who work together helps develop a host of skills that are important for them in their daily lives.

Blended learning has created positive experiences for our students that also have increased overall student success.

If you are interested in creating a positive learning environment that will help promote positive student relationships, blended learning is the key.  Blended learning have allowed our students to collaborate, communicate, and create positive relationships with their peers.

When students enjoy school, they look forward to coming and participating in engaging learning opportunities.