One of the most important part of blended learning is the direct instruction provided by teachers. We have adopted the Station Rotation model, where our students participant in at least 3 rotations. One of the required rotation is Teacher Directed.
We have disrupted education and eliminated the traditional learning of whole group instruction. No longer do our teachers stand in front of a board to teach an entire class. We have created small learning communities in the implementation of blended learning station rotations. In the teacher directed station, teachers spend more time working individually or in small groups with students to customize and personalize learning.
We have disrupted education and eliminated the traditional learning of whole group instruction. No longer do our teachers stand in front of a board to teach an entire class. We have created small learning communities in the implementation of blended learning station rotations. In the teacher directed station, teachers spend more time working individually or in small groups with students to customize and personalize learning.
The teacher directed station delivers the content to students. In this station, the teacher is able to differentiate, customize, and personalize the content and delivery base on the group's ability. Teachers can also use the teacher directed station for remediation or enrichment.
The magic that happens in this station is the relationship that is built between the teacher and student. Students are able to learn in a small group, that helps them learn better and build self-confidence.
If you are interested in visiting our school to see how we have disrupted education, contact our school.
Hanford Dole Elementary
Principal: Michael Courtwright
Hanford Dole Elementary
Principal: Michael Courtwright
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