Friday, October 14, 2016

Our Week in Review: Week 7 of 36: Giving Students HOPE

Thanks to Kelly Feimster and Salisbury NC Symphony, our students have the opportunity  learn how to play the violin. So may read this and wonder why this post is entitle HOPE...

Our school has over 95% free and reduced lunch students. Many of our students will never have an opportunity like this. 

HOPE  is Having Opportunities to Pursue Excellence...and this is one of those opportunities. 

Our 5th grade students have the opportunity to pursue excellence.

It is important that with Blended Learning, we make school FUN for students. When students enjoy coming to school, they excel. 

This opportunity provided to us by the NC Symphony is more than just students learning how to play an is giving our students HOPE. 

When implementing Blended Learning, remember the importance of giving students an opportunity to have FUN at school. Create opportunities for students to pursue excellence in all areas of life, will optimize students blended learning experience.

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