Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Day 66 Breakdown of Blended Learning Definition

For Day 66 we will break down the blended learning definition that we have adopted at HDES from the Clayton Christensen Institute. This brief breakdown is our view on what it means.

Part I: Blended Learning is a formal education program in which a student learns...A Formal education program is a key term that should not be glossed over when understanding blended learning. This applies to having certified and trained teachers who have went through a college teaching program.  Having quality instructors in every class is vital to providing a student centered and personalized learning experience for students. Unfortunately, over the past decade or so we have had to rely on Teach for America programs and lateral entry programs to those who would like to 'try' to be a teacher. There has been much talk about teacher shortages and the lack of students enrolling in universities to be teachers. I would like to give a word of advice to those who know within their heart that they want to be teachers but have been driven away by all the negative press and naysayers. I have come to realize that this is actually the best time to be a teacher. Blended learning makes teaching fun again because it provides the way to reach every student you teach. No more having to be the sage on the stage hoping that your lecture style doesn't bore the high students, hoping the limited students catch up and settling on teaching to the middle. Blended learning creates a student ratio of 1:7 or less during the guided station. Blended learning leverages technology with online content and programs for each student to go at their own time, place, pace and or path. Blended learning makes coming to work every day a joy because it provides purposeful direction for the teacher and students. We need college students who have the desire and commitment to getting themselves trained to be teachers, and ready for this generation of students who have a great appetite to learn new things in new ways! It is a great time to be a teacher! Go find a great formal education program and give yourself to this great profession!

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