Monday, January 11, 2016

Day 85: BL T.O.W.--Mrs. Griffin-'It is engaging and exciting for them...'

Mrs. Griffin's truly cares for and loves all her students! 

Q. How long have you been teaching? This is my third year teaching in an elementary school. 

Q. What grade do you teach? I teach kindergarten (and LOVE it!). 

Q. How has your first semester went with BL implementation?  Overall, implementing BL went well during the first semester. I was initially excited about BL but afraid of the technology component. Familiarizing myself with Smarty Ants and Dreambox and having the support of my kindergarten team helped ease my fears

Q. How has BL changed your thoughts about teaching? BL has changed my thoughts about teaching in several ways. First, I believe students learn better in small groups. From my observations, they are able to focus more and stay on task better. I have fewer behavior issues. Second, technology is an important component. My students enjoy being on their iPad. They love Smarty Ants and Dreambox. It is engaging and exciting for them. I love seeing my students love learning! Last, students need choice. Being able to choose from a list of activities is important. I believe it helps students feel less like they are being made to do something and more like they have the freedom to do what interests them the most.  

Q. If you had one word to describe BL what would say and why? If I had one word to describe BL I would say engaging. Since implementation, there has not been one day that my students have not been engaged. Each rotation is 20 minutes, which seems like just the right amount of time for each activity. Students are always happy to move to the next station when time is up and eagerly begin their new activity. 

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