Friday, October 30, 2015

Day 48--Bobcat Day at HDES

Today marked the end of the school days for October and the end of spirit week. I'm seeing more and more the combination of a great learning environment and high quality blended learning implementation by teachers will produce nothing less than student growth and student achievement. I have been enjoying 1st graders who have been talking about photosynthesis and what it means. By putting plants into an environment of light, water, and rich soil the plant will grow strong and healthy. It is the same with our students, in our classrooms where teachers have created safe, healthy, high expectations classes, students begin to advance and grow! Below is the highlights from Day 48!

Annual Schoolwide picture celebrating Bobcat Day on a beautiful
Fall Day! Can you guess how many Bobcats are in the picture? Yes, Almost
Ms. Schultz and Emmaline representing Bobcat Pride! 

Congrats to the students who earned behavior incentive in 5th grade! 

5th grade grade students have been great role models this year! 

Over 20 staff members hosted a trunk and treat for students at HDES! 

It takes a village to raise our children! So glad to be part of this village! 

These are the memories students remember when they think back on school!
Creating that positive environment for learning! 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Day 47--Spirit Week--Fav Color Day

What is the one thing that Blended learning and spirit week have in common? The commonality is both provide a student centered approach! Blended Learning makes sure every student is the center and focus regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or gender. Spirit week also provides an opportunity for students to express themselves and be part of the school community. Below are the highlights from day 47 at HDES.

Can you guess Ms. Schultz's and Emmaline favorite color on
favorite color day?

Writing during math!

Dr. Morrow and Mr. Distefano joined us for the morning to give us feedback
on our Blended Learning Implementation. Great to hear what they shared! 

CCAC's instruction is driven by data! 

Schultz and Rossi representing during Spirit Week! 

Station Rotations during math in Ms. Hunter's class. 

Ms. Hunter using guided instruction in her station rotation model!

Ms. Hunter's class on online station. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Day 46...Wacky Tacky Wednesday

Highlights from Day 46 which included Wacky Tacky Wednesday during spirit week!
Congrats to Mrs. Bates who was named
Carolina Panthers teacher of the week!
Mrs. Daye's class is data driven by both teacher and student! 

Wacky Tacky Wednesday at HDES! 
Mrs. Ellis using candy corn experiment! Great engaging activity! 

Students created this Good to the core board! 

Favorite color day will be tomorrow for Spirit Week! 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Day 45--Spirit Week Kicks off!

Highlights below from Day 45 of  spirit week at HDES! What a great time of the year when we have spirit week!
Spirit Week at HDES! 
Principal Brown and Crawford visit HDES
to see Blended Learning implementation. 

Principal Hairston working with students during her school visit today! 

Mrs. Overcash's students working during their station rotation! 

Pajama day at HDES being expressed to the fullest! 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

BL T.O.W.--'I feel like I can more effectively meet their needs...'

Mrs. Moore with her Bobcat teammates at Back 2 School
Pep Rally. Mrs. Moore always has a great attitude! 

Q. How long have you been teaching? This is my tenth year teaching, all at Hanford Dole.

Q. What grade do you teach? I currently teach 3rd grade but have also taught 4th and 2nd.

Q. How has your first quarter went with BL implementation? It has gone remarkably well!  I feel like we have implemented the rotation model successfully including technology, teacher-led, and independent centers.  Recently, we have begun using music to dictate our transition times which has been a huge success as well!

Q. How has BL changed your thoughts about teaching? Before blended learning, I always wanted more time to spend with my students.  I felt like I could not see them in small groups enough as I spent so much of my time doing more direct instruction.  Now that we rotate and I am spending my time with a small group of students, I feel like I can more effectively meet their needs. It is a more manageable opportunity!

Q. If you had one word to describe BL what would say and why? Flexible- Teachers have to be flexible in their groupings. They also need to be flexible in the content/lessons that students are learning. Especially in the independent center, students should be working on practicing skills relevant to their needs, abilities, and interests. Blended Learning allows for educators to be more flexible in teaching more of their students exactly what each student needs!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Day 44 Ending with a Twist

Today we are ending our first nine weeks and our admin team decided to put a little twist on our Early Release Days! 

This year we implemented Blended Learning. Our teachers are using the station rotation model and a few are using the flip model. We decided for our Early Release Day Professional Development, we will continue with a Blended Learning model...The Flex Model.

The Flex Model - the Clayton Christensen Institute defines the Flex Model as a model which online learning is the backbone of learning. In the Flex Model, students move on an individually customized schedule.

Our staff was given a list of options to create their own Personal Learning Path that correlates to their own professional and personal growth plans. The choices were created based on our school's vision, mission, and SMART goals.

Staff could choose from Ted Talks, Webinars, Readings, Staff Led Sessions, or collaboration with other staff members. Each staff member had to create choices that was at least two hours and complete an action plan.

Teachers were excited to get the opportunity to participate in a personalized professional development. It allowed them to choose things that could get they fired up and excited to begin the next quarter. Teachers chose opportunities that they felt would make them a better teacher and provide them with the tools to help them motivate and inspire their students.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Day 43--Thinking Thursdays!

Highlights from Day 43: Combining Blended Learning and PBLs is the greatest combination that I have seen since the late 90's when Jordan and Pippen were instrumental in leading the Bulls to multiple championships. The engagement of student in the morning is high with the focus on reading and math. In the afternoons after lunch when students become ancy the addition of active, deep, and engaging PBL's have been fantastic! Below are some pics from the day.
Blended Learning Science has been incredible! 

Ramistella, Rossi, and Schultz had 5th grade fired up for learning today! 

Mrs. Coble's students experience hands on learning! 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Day 42--2 For 10 Strategy

In our Continuous Improvement Committees, our discipline committee adopted this strategy whenever a student receives an office referral. Of course, we want this strategy used before the students receive a referral but it will be put in place as a intervention when a referral is submitted between the teacher and student. In High Quality Blended learning, it is necessary to build relationships. As Comer pointed out that 'No significant learning takes place with significant relationships.' Please feel free to share with us your results when you use it. 2 for 10

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day 41--Catawba Students Visit

Day 41 at HDES was greeted by 22 Catawba College students who are considering or are majoring in education. There were music, PE, Special Ed, and Elem Ed majors. As we spoke to the students and they toured the classes, we let them know that a midst all the negatives surrounding education today that it is actually the best time ever to be a teacher. With Blended Learning implementation, it is more possible than ever before to personalize, individualize, and customize student learning in a student learning environment. Below are picture from their visit.
Mrs. Hunter working with Guided Group at Promethean Board.

Students at the Online Station using Achieve3000

Students using Tech at the Independent Station
Catawba Students with Mrs. Young and Mrs. Cox !

Monday, October 19, 2015

Day 40--BL T.O.W.--'transformed the way I teach...'

Ms. Joyner has soared with BL
implementation this year! 

Q. How long have you been teaching?
This is my fifth year of teaching.  I taught two  years at a private Montessori school and this is my third year of teaching public school.

Q. What grade do you teach? 2nd grade

Q. How has your first quarter went with BL implementation?
My first quarter with blended learning has gotten off to a great start. We continue to learn and make changes as we go. My students are disappointed if they do not have their daily rotations.

Q. How has BL changed your thoughts about teaching?
Blended learning has transformed the way that   I teach. It has enabled me to become the type of educator I've always wanted to be and I'm excited every day about being able to differentiate and meet the needs of each student.

Q. If you had one word to describe BL what would say and why? BALANCED. Blended learning encompasses all the elements needed the to support  each student's success.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Day 39 It May Not Always Be Easy, But It Will Be Worth It

We can not believe we have spent 39 days...273 hours, in school. Hanford Dole have dedicated every minute to the implementation of blended learning. We began our week with the quote: "It may not always be easy, but it will be worth it." Our journey to blended learning have not always been easy, but each day we see why is worth it.

We appreciate the support our staff, students, parents, and community have given us in our implementation of blended learning. In our hall we have a bulletin board with the phrase..."Success is like a Puzzle: You just put the pieces together. Each staff member, student, parent, and community member plays had essential role in our journey. Without each piece, we will miss out on ensuring we providing our students with High Quality Blended Learning.

From seeing the growth in teachers to hearing students express how much they are enjoying the rotations, blended learning has impacted us all. Our teachers enthusiastically provide guided instruction to small groups, while using online educational programs like Achieve 3000, Smarty Ants, and Dream Box to assist in instruction. Students in fifth grade are walking down the hall speaking in different languages using Rosetta Stone. 

Beginning blended learning have been hard for many of our staff and students, but we are seeing so many positive things from it's implementation. We will continue to embrace blended learning and implement high quality blended learning at Hanford Dole.