Thursday, October 29, 2015

Day 47--Spirit Week--Fav Color Day

What is the one thing that Blended learning and spirit week have in common? The commonality is both provide a student centered approach! Blended Learning makes sure every student is the center and focus regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or gender. Spirit week also provides an opportunity for students to express themselves and be part of the school community. Below are the highlights from day 47 at HDES.

Can you guess Ms. Schultz's and Emmaline favorite color on
favorite color day?

Writing during math!

Dr. Morrow and Mr. Distefano joined us for the morning to give us feedback
on our Blended Learning Implementation. Great to hear what they shared! 

CCAC's instruction is driven by data! 

Schultz and Rossi representing during Spirit Week! 

Station Rotations during math in Ms. Hunter's class. 

Ms. Hunter using guided instruction in her station rotation model!

Ms. Hunter's class on online station. 

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