Friday, October 30, 2015

Day 48--Bobcat Day at HDES

Today marked the end of the school days for October and the end of spirit week. I'm seeing more and more the combination of a great learning environment and high quality blended learning implementation by teachers will produce nothing less than student growth and student achievement. I have been enjoying 1st graders who have been talking about photosynthesis and what it means. By putting plants into an environment of light, water, and rich soil the plant will grow strong and healthy. It is the same with our students, in our classrooms where teachers have created safe, healthy, high expectations classes, students begin to advance and grow! Below is the highlights from Day 48!

Annual Schoolwide picture celebrating Bobcat Day on a beautiful
Fall Day! Can you guess how many Bobcats are in the picture? Yes, Almost
Ms. Schultz and Emmaline representing Bobcat Pride! 

Congrats to the students who earned behavior incentive in 5th grade! 

5th grade grade students have been great role models this year! 

Over 20 staff members hosted a trunk and treat for students at HDES! 

It takes a village to raise our children! So glad to be part of this village! 

These are the memories students remember when they think back on school!
Creating that positive environment for learning! 

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