Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Day 50--Blended Learning is great for afternoon engagement!

On Day 50, I was able to do 5 walkthroughs after lunch. This is usually a very busy time of day and I find it as an administrator the most challenging time of the day to get into the classrooms due to so many activities and events occurring or having already occurred that needs immediate attention. This is also the time of day when teachers start to tire and students become less engaged, especially if you are still doing the lecture delivery model. This is why blended learning is so important and refreshing for both the students and teachers. Blended learning is the model that brings in engagement because of the small groups and stations being on a set time. The students use the technology adaptive programs to go at their own speed, place, pace and path. The guided teaching of the teacher focuses in on the needs of 4 or 5 students at a time instead of 25 in a whole group lesson. As I visited 3 fourth grade classes and 2 fifth grade classes, it was great seeing the teachers working in 5 different classes but with one common purpose. Below are highlights from the afternoon walkthroughs!

Ms. Hunter Blended Learning Math lesson! 
Ms. Schultz Blended learning Science Lesson! 

Mrs. Daye Blended Learning math lesson! 

Ms. Ellis Blended Learning Math lesson! 

Ms. Ellis Sciene lesson engages students! This is 20 minutes before dismissal! 

Ms. Rossi Blended Learning math lesson! 

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