Monday, November 16, 2015

Day 58--BL T.O.W. 'I have truly changed my style of teaching...'


Mrs. Weddington sharing with her 3rd grade students. She
always brings a great attitude to work. This is her 40th year! 

Q. How long have you been teaching?  This is my 40th year of teaching.

Q. What grade do you teach or have taught?  I teach 3rd grade, which I truly love.  My class is wonderful!  My experience encompasses all elementary grades, as well as several years as a media specialist.

Q. How has your first quarter and a half went with BL implementation?  I was apprehensive at first and not quite certain about the outcome.  I had always felt that whole-group teaching kept me in control.  Now that I feel more comfortable, I have truly changed my style of teaching.  I have been able to let go and be more of a facilitator.

Q. How has BL changed your thoughts about teaching?  I feel more confident in taking risks outside my comfort zone.  The technology component has changed my entire style of teaching.  If someone had asked me about paperless teaching a year ago, I wouldn't believe it could be done.  My opinion has definitely changed, and I am now ready to convince other non-believers.

Q. If you had one word to describe BL what would say and why?  Self-Reinvention  I have taken a good look at the way I taught in the past and am now convinced that BL is a positive change.

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