Monday, August 24, 2015

BL Day 1 of 180

What an amazing start of an exciting year! As we embark on our Blended Learning Journey our teachers embraced one of the key elements to ensure High Quality Blended Learning...Procedures and Processes.

Students were taught procedures and processed that will ensure their success with Blended Learning. Mrs. Bates taught students how to listen and follow rules using music, while Ms. McNeil taught her students the procedures for the station rotation model.

High Quality Blended Learning also involves student collaboration and students having fun while at school. What an amazing
opportunity Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Stepp, and
Mrs. Schultz provided to their students today. 

Our students experienced a day of learning procedures and processes, through collaboration and fun! Day 1 of our Blended Learning Implementation was a success. Procedures, Morning Meetings, and Responsive Classroom helped set high expectations for our students today. 

It is imperative when implementing Blended Learning, you teach procedures, processes, and routines.   Blended Learning allow students the opportunity to own their education. During their experience, the teacher is a facilitator and they are in charge of their learning. Teaching procedures and routines on Teaching students these procedures, processes, and routines will give students the necessary tools to be successful in their learning. 

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