Friday, August 28, 2015

The Process Begins...Day 5

The Hanford Dole Bobcats survived the first week of school. Reflecting on the week, we know that one of the core component to blended learning is having dedicated staff to implement it. 

As we visited classrooms this week, teachers were teaching procedures, modeling and practicing station rotation, and building relationships with students. It was an amazing sight to see. Even our CACC class have implemented blended learning. 

Mr. Courtwright states that blended learning in action is liking watching the Bulls run the triangle offense! Our staff are creating champions in every student with blended learning. 

Every staff member at Hanford Dole plays a vital role in the implementation of blended learning. We are dedicated to ensuring our students are successful academically, socially, and mentally. 

We are putting each puzzle piece together one at a time. Blended learning innovation at Hanford Dole is a process, not an event. See to a part of this process be sure to subscribe to the blog and follow us on Twitter: @courtwrightmr and @FITinEDU. 

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