Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Blended Learning Defined--Day 3

We posted a question on twitter this morning @courtwrightmr @FitinEdu. What is your definition of high quality blended learning? In today's blog, we will discuss a definition of BL that you can trust, build upon, and use in your development and implementation of BL. In the late 90's, the Dufours created elements that would make a successful PLC. These elements included a focus on learning, a collaborative culture with a focus on learning for all, collective inquiry into best practice, action orientation: learning by doing, commitment to continuous improvement, and results orientated. This term PLC is used by nearly every school in America but rarely used according to the actual definition. Those who have attended their live conferences, trainings, and read their books, know the difference between the meaning of what a true PLC should look like according to the Dufours most trusted definition and model compared to what educators just throw around as educational jargon to be a PLC. We are seeing the same thing with Blended Learning. Many educators are saying their school is a blended learning school or a blended learning classroom because they have a sliver of BL implementation or a particle of the different models of blended learning in their classroom or school. Today we would like to share the Clayton Christensen Institute's Definition of Blended Learning. Please take time to research what this institute is and what is their purpose. It will give you assurance and trust to use their definition of High Quality Blended Learning as you look to make your schools and classrooms student centered!
It is important to study and be constituted with this definition instead of just reading it and nodding your head in agreement. It is very worthwhile to memorize this definition and think about it regularly. We have also included the models that represent the 4 different types of models based on their research and the 4 sub models of the rotation model. 
As we continue our BL journey we hope that you can rely upon and build upon a definition of BL that is clear and will lead you in the right direction!

Our BL manual is available for $19.99, but to our blog readers we will send it to you for free! Let us know if you would like to get a copy of our BL manual. Next Question??...What is the difference between individualization, differentiation, and personalization in your BL model. 

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