Monday, August 31, 2015

A Taste of Success...Day 6

I remember the 1st time I ever saw and tasted the ocean it left such an impression on me. Before, people would try to explain the taste or explain how big it was. I respected their attempt but when I finally laid hold of it with my own eyes and tasted it with my own mouth, it did not compare! When you taste something you finally gain the experience you were seeking. It is the same in education. Many times we spend an inordinate amount of time explaining how to do, set up, give theories, philosophies, and read books on topics. Of course, these steps are necessary to understand and unveil the vision. To get the biggest impact though is when the teacher experiences the success of the implementation. When this happens great teaching and learning will evolve! Buy in will happen. They will become your biggest cheerleaders. Today we had a teacher taste the success of merging Balanced literacy into the Blending Learning station rotation model. She was so impressed with being able to get all the components of her ELA block into her ELA block! After spending the first 5 days, hammering in processes and procedures her class moved like clockwork and every second became purposeful. After experiencing this success, both the teacher and students are hungry for more! Stay tuned for more BL highlights as we continue on this journey!
Ms. Schultz greeting the students upon
arrival and giving them a word of encouragement
before they start the day! 

Our co-blogger Mrs. Young explains to 5th grade
the expectations of genius hour! 

Mrs. Weaver in our guided math group. Great student
engagement from all 20+ students in the class! 

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