Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Day 134--10 Questions about blended learning I have been pondering...

Day 134: As I was reflecting today I asked myself 10 questions:

1. Why do teachers in the US want to do whole group, lecture style instruction when Blended Learning is so much higher?
2. Are PLC's the best model or do we need to start transitioning to BLC's (Blended learning communities)?
3. If you are not doing BL, how are you personalizing your instruction for all your students for all their lessons?(I find this to be impossible, unless your name is Ron Clark)
4. When administrators observe teachers, how can they give them true and realistic feedback to meet the needs of all students without a blended learning model?
5. Does your technology programs have the element of student control over the time, place, pace, and path of learning?
6. What do you think about when you hear at least in part in a supervised brick and mortar location away from home?
7. Are you still trying to use the factory model for hiring teachers in high needs schools or are you looking to be innovative to find teacher facilitators?
8. Do you still know where the front of the room is and the back of the room is when you come in to do a walkthrough? (If it is easily recognizable you are probably not doing blended learning)
9. Do your students talk about stations, playlists, pace, choice, transitions, data, and ownership with each other and their teacher?
10. Why in the world would schools not do Blended Learning as their instructional model?

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