Tuesday, September 15, 2015

1:1 Coaching and Conversations--Day 16

Mrs. Gilland and Mrs. Cox
meeting on meeting students needs!
Studies show the power of personalized learning for maximizing student success and achievement. Bloom's 2 sigma problem study in 1984 measured the effects of student learning with a tutor to deliver customized help and the striking finding was that by the end of three weeks the average student under tutoring was almost 2 standard deviations above the average control class. This means the average tutored student scored higher than 98 percent of the students in the control class. The impact is hugely significant! 
We have been slowly adopting this shift with the way we give teachers feedback and training especially with our blended learning implementation. Having as many one on one customized sessions with our teachers we feel will provide the greatest return on our investment. Just as we encourage small group instruction with our students, we are focusing on abandoning the whole group staff meetings and large group trainings. By individualizing and personalizing the feedback we give teachers it meets them where they are and makes the conversation much more purposeful than having a one size fits all approach to professional development. Keep coaching and keep specializing your feedback with your staff! 

Here is a great link for help on Effect Sizes and a calculator to determine ES. http://www.uccs.edu/~lbecker/

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