Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Day 27--Master Creators and Innovators

Day 27--Going to share one my most favorite portions from Blended by Horn and Staker. "As online learning and the disruptive models of blended learning begin to overtake the traditional classroom, schools shift resources to important jobs such as face to face mentoring, role models, discussion, enrichment, clean and pleasing physical environments, elimination of bullying, nutritious meals, encouragement of good health, a range of musical, artistic and athletic programs and the development of students into master creators and innovators." Today at Hanford-Dole, I saw so many of these things starting to develop. Blended learning is making every part of the school day meaningful and purposeful!

Meteorologist John Ahrens visits 5th grade classroom! 

2nd grade teacher Mrs. Gilland teaching students Lifelong wellness
habits during recess!

Mrs. McNeil demonstrating lifelong wellness habits! Great to see teacher
interaction during recess! 

Students are plowing through dream box! 

Mr. Ahrens brought tremendous energy and enthusiasm to HDES! 

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