Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Recruiting is Blended Learning--Thank You NY Day 11

A new team is in town the NY Tarheels! 
In the Clayton Christensen Institute definition for Blended Learning, the 1st part says, "a formal education program in which a student learns." The term formal education program is critical to blended learning success, because this is the recruiting, retaining, and growing of our certified and licensed teachers. Having a highly trained and certified staff is vital to reaching our students and implementing high quality blended learning. We have a teacher shortage in NC and due to this we are able to look out of state and bring in the brightest teachers usually from northern states such as Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York that have a surplus of teachers looking to land coveted positions. We have really reaped the benefits of the NY educational student teaching system. Out 5th grade science teacher, Ms. Schultz has the number one scores in the county on EVAAS growth index for science! We have 2 EC teachers from NY who are incredibly instrumental in our EC program. We just recommended a very bright teacher today for a 5th grade position that will join another NY graduate Ms. Rossi who we brought in this year. Ms. Rossi's professors raved about her and said she was one of the top 10 student teachers to ever go through their program. If you see the way she has implemented blended learning you would see why! Having out of state teachers brings in great diversity to our school to join the new and veteran teachers from NC, TN, PA, MI, IN, and SC to name a few on our staff.
*Facetime--The great thing about recruiting out of state teachers is the having the ability to contact with them using FaceTime.* We are so excited that we are building a rich and diverse staff that is bringing many multi-faceted dimensions to our blended learning implementation! We welcome the NY tarheels to our Journey!

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