Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day 26 Blended Learning Makes Learning Effortlessly

Have you ever wondered how High Quality Blended Learning should look like in a math class. I had the opportunity to experience Ms. Rossi's 5th grade math class today. High Quality Blended Learning in Math is students learning math effortlessly. 

Ms. Rossi, who was this week’s Blended Learning Spotlight Teacher ofthe Week, has created a learning environment that students enjoy. 

When I first went into her classroom, I had two students to greet me at the door to explain to me what I would be observing. I even had my chair pulled out for me.

Our math block is only 60 minutes, so she teaches her lesson the day before and the next two days, students participate in their stations. Ms. Rossi had 4 stations: (1) DreamBox, (2) A QR Code Scavenger Hunt, (3) Khan Academy, (4) Teacher-Directed.

The students are in love with DreamBox. Students work on DreamBox as a station for math and have the option of working on it at home. She has a competition going for all her 5th grade students to see who can earn the most coins at the end of the week. One student has already  earned $4000...and they just started on yesterday.

The second station was a QR Code Scavenger Hunt. Students were up walking around the room working on problems and then scanning the code to review the answer. If students didn’t get the right answer, they had to watch a Khan Academy video. This provided students with immediate feedback and an opportunity to learn the necessary skills to solve the problems.

Her third station was amazing…she has created a collaboration room in her classroom. In this room, students watched a Khan Academy video to review and practice the concept.

Meet with Ms. Rossi was her teacher-directed station. Most teacher-directed stations I have observed had students in front of them while they taught or reviewed. Not Ms. Rossi, she reviewed with students first and then had them practice with visuals. She created boxes on her floor and used a ball as the decimal point. She gave the students in her group a number and they had to create the number.

Each of her rotations are 25 minutes and students using Q2R to ensure they are transitioning effectively. 

Blended Learning is an opportunity for students to participate in engaging lessons that creates student leaders and promotes personalized instruction. The students were highly engaged and excited about learning math. Ms. Rossi has created a Highly Quality Blended Learning environment for her students and they love it. Her students are learning effortlessly...how amazing is that!

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