Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Day 8 Building Our Foundation

Our Bobcats have been busy since Day 1 building the foundation to effectively implement Blended Learning into our classrooms. Teaching, modeling and practicing is a key component to a successful Blended Learning program and using this to build our foundation is key. Today during our Station Rotation Checks, we saw strong foundations being built.

During our checks, we spent about five minutes in each teacher's classroom to see how their students completed the station rotation model. Station Rotation is one of the models we have adopted for our school. Based on the subject teachers are teaching, students rotates between an Independent/Group Station, Online Instruction Station, and Teacher Guided Station.

Teachers created their own visual for students to use as a guide for knowing their group and where they should rotate.

Bells, chimes, hand claps, chants, and music helped students clean up and transition to their next station. Voice level posters and I Charts can be seen in classrooms to help remind students of what stations should look and sound like.

                                                            Blended Learning Station Rotation Model in PE

Blended Learning is a process and not an event! As we begin this process, we encouraged our teachers to teach, model, and practice procedures. It was very evident that they taught, modeled, and practiced these procedures with their students. We will support how teachers who have struggled with  teaching these procedures with resources and an opportunity to discuss the process with their Blended Learning Buddy.

Ms. Moore using numbers to group students.

We are excited about where we are with our Blended Learning Journey. It's only Day 8 and we have strong foundations being built. The Bobcats are ready to begin designing our Blended Learning house with engaging lessons and activities. 

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